Sunday, July 18, 2010

But It Might Happen

If ever there was a phrase that annoys the hell out of me it is "But It Might Happen". Those four words are like an instant dagger right into the cranky region of my brain (which is right next to the grumpy section and above the irritated section).

It is such a cop out of a phrase and it usually delivered almost as a coup de grĂ¢ce in an argument as if the fact that there is a probability, regardless of how small that probability is, that something might happen, it justifies some pointless or irrational act.

You need an example? Why? Surely you have heard this being said yourself and can completely empathise with my (over the top?) annoyance with four simple words in a specific order? No??? OK!!!

Rabbits foot.

"Rub the rabbits foot for luck?!
"Why?, I don't think rubbing a rabbits foot will make the questions I know the answers to, appear in my exam?"
"Maybe not....shur rub it anyway"
"But it might happen!!"

Apply to any superstition you know.

But it appears in more ordinary circumstances too. People have a fear of disease, theft, injury, all sorts of events that are normal enough, but share a common emotion that exacerbates this irrationality. Fear. Fear makes people believe stupid things and behave in stupid ways. Yes I said it....stupid. I know the PC police will be on to me for using such a judgmental word like that but if something looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck. It's not a feathered creature that is found in our lakes and ponds. It's a duck!! (Sorry, I'll come back to my PC annoyances some other time)

People take unnecessary drugs or totally ineffective cures (Homeopathy, step forward...we are talking about you). But it can't cure you...."But It Might Happen!" (or it's close relative "But It Works For Me")

I recently heard a comedian talking of how people unplug all their appliances before heading away for a weeks holidays. And it hit home. It is exactly the kind of thing you would justify with the magic words.

"Why are you doing that?"
"In case they burst into flames when I am gone."
"In case there is a short circuit or something?"
"How long have you had that TV?"
"2 years."
"Has it ever done that before?"
"Has anything you have ever owned ever in your entire life ever burst into flames while plugged in, while you were here?"
"So there is no point in doing this now just cos you are not going to be here...."
"But it might happen"

YES!!! It MIGHT. But will it? NO!! The chances are ridiculously small.

It would be the equivalent of me buying a lottery ticket and spending a fortune on new cars, houses, TV and everything I dreamed of buying, BEFORE the draw was made. I haven't actually won the money yet......"But It Might Happen"

Now I know this is all a bit facetious and probably does not deserve this much attention. But why it really annoys me is that it kind of justifies the irrational and opens the door for more and different (and more dangerous?) irrationality. People not getting the MMR. You don't get Autism from the MMR...."But It Might Happen" No. It won't. But what MIGHT happen is that if enough people think like you, we will have a serious outbreak of a preventable illness.

People worry about Pedophiles. They wrap their kids up in bubble wrap and are afraid to let them out of their sight. But the incidents of a child being abducted are very small....."But It Might Happen". probably won't. As a parent I could think of nothing more devastating than the loss of one of my children. But there is a duty I have to them to provide for them and to nurture them. And by stealing a big portion of their childhood because I have bought into the media fear mongering (another rant for another time) I think I am letting them down.

It's a flippant saying and it is usually used as the last word in an argument. Essentially it is a "look, I am going to do it anyway so just leave me alone" but I ask....Is it wrong to leave it alone? Maybe in some circumstances, the harmless ones. But that is the trouble. Which ones are the harmless ones?

No one will be harmed if all the appliances are unplugged. It will actually save electricity. But to let the reasoning be accepted even though it is irrational is dangerous. It is the thin end of the wedge. It can open the door for more serious flawed thinking.

And I know you are thinking...yeah but that is unlikely isn't it.....

But It Might Happen!!! (see what I did there!!!)

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