Sunday, July 22, 2018

The road to becoming Vegan(ish)

Day 1 : Sunday 22nd July 2018

Day 1 : 22nd July 2018

I just watched Cowspiracy.  I plan on doing some fact checking on the stats but to be honest, if that are even half right, eating meat is ridiculously expensive and costly.  So I am going to go vegan. But not immediately. I don’t think I could do that. Years ago I gave up sugar in my tea and coffee. I was taking three spoons per cup (yes, I said three) so to stop I took myself off it slowly.  I went from three to two. It took about a week or so and I was ok with it. Then I went from two to one. Again, another week and I was ok. So I made the final step. I went from one to none. And it took months to be OK. But what happened in the time before I enjoyed no sugar, was that I realised I didn’t like one sugar.  I was stuck in a no-mans land but I had to keep going. To paraphrase Lady Macbeth quote. I was steeped in sugarlessness so far that should I wade no more, returning would be as tedious as go-ore.

Aaaaaany, pretentiousness aside.  I will not go hell for leather into Veganism.  I have a lot of meat in my house, that I bought.  I’m not going to waste it. But I will start to plan shopping better.  I am also going to switch to a vegetarian diet first. I will get comfortable with switching to some of my meals being vegetarian, then half, then a majority, then all (when possible, like eating out or at others.  I don’t plan on imposing my decision on others - this may change as I do). Once that is done I will start the same ratio switch to a Vegan diet. At this point my two biggest worries is the lack of cheese and eggs.  But let's cross that bridge when I come to it.

So!!  To google vegetarian recipes! :D

Here goes!!

End of the day:

I will be completing the diary at the end of the day from now on (or the next morning) and recap on the days progress / struggles.

Today was OK.  Technically I had two vegetarian meals.  I need to start having breakfast more just because it’s healthier.  But the eating out was an easy test to pass. I should have had a mushroom pizza but for no other reason than the stuff I got was mank.

Meal Diary :
Breakfast : Two cups of coffee.  Vt
Lunch : Half a ham roll, pork chop & egg
Dinner : Garlic Cheese chips & potato pie Vt

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